Aesthetic Gynecology

Aesthetic Gynecology – Non-Surgical Procedures at Medi-Gyn

Enhancing Feminine Beauty: Exploring Non-Surgical Aesthetic Gynecology at Medi-Gyn

Women’s sexual health has become an essential topic in medicine over the last decade, and rightfully so. Thankfully, a wealth of discrete, non-surgical aesthetic gynecology options is available from Medi-gyn to give you peace of mind and a solution to intimate problems and enhance your experiences. 

Should you be exploring aesthetic gynecology Dubai has many clinics that can provide you with treatment, but here at Medi-Gyn Dubai, we offer tailored and personal care that goes beyond the ordinary to help you achieve your goals.

So what is aesthetic gynecology?

When we talk about aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology, we are talking about the use of techniques that improve and enhance the appearance and sensation of intimate areas. 

It can also address the symptoms of menopause and the signs of aging to give your private parts a new lease of life. Our non-surgical solutions are minimally invasive and highly effective at delivering results you can be proud of and reviving sensations you may have felt were lost forever.

Vaginal rejuvenation

A woman’s body undergoes many changes throughout the course of their life, and several factors can cause you to become unsatisfied with the way things look and feel. Whether your concerns are around shape, volume, or the effects of aging, our non-surgical options can relieve you from the anxieties that may accompany them.

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is not a procedure itself but rather refers to a range of corrective treatments that can be surgical or non-surgical and address a range of concerns. From non-surgical options like CO2 laser vaginal rejuvenation and radiofrequency therapy to surgical solutions like labiaplasty and vaginoplasty, it can help you manage the following:

  • Loose vaginal skin
  • Decreased libido
  • Urinary leaking
  • Dryness
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Lack of sensation or satisfaction
  • Low confidence

These symptoms are often the result of childbirth, genetics, and the signs of aging and can cause your vaginal tissue to lose its firmness and elasticity. Any vaginal rejuvenation procedure you might undergo aims to regain your confidence in the appearance and function of certain areas, and our expert team are sensitive to your needs at each step. 

Vaginal tightening treatment

With vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment, you can restore your skin tone, your diameter, and entrance while also being an excellent way to prevent vaginal atrophy. Leave behind the effects of childbirth and urinary incontinence with our state-of-the-art CO2 vaginal tightening laser treatment. Here’s what you can expect from the procedure:

  • Consultation: During your initial consultation, we will go through your concerns, goals, medical history, as well as any previous treatments you have had.
  • Pre-treatment preparation: You may be asked to arrive with a clean and dry vaginal area and to refrain from sexual activity or using certain products in the area leading up to your vaginal tightening laser treatment.
  • Anesthesia: We might apply a local anesthetic or numbing cream to the vaginal area to ensure maximum comfort.
  • Laser treatment: A specialized CO2 laser device systematically delivers controlled energy pulses to the vaginal tissue to cover the entire treatment area.
  • Laser parameters: Our team will adjust the laser parameters, including intensity, duration, and pulses, all customized to address your concerns and desired outcomes.
  • Collagen stimulation: With laser vaginal tightening, we can stimulate collagen production and remodeling by targeting the tissue, providing structure and firmness. This helps to tighten and strengthen the vaginal tissue.

Labial augmentation

When we age, our bodies produce less collagen, which in turn can lead to the vaginal tissue losing its elasticity and firmness. The effects can often be a cosmetic concern, but with world-class labial augmentation treatments from Medi-gyn, you can achieve a youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

Labial augmentation, also known as labial puffing, gives you a younger-looking, fuller, more supple Majora. This is done using two methods:

  1. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Instantly plumps the area but is not a permanent solution
  2. Fat transfer: Uses extracted fat from a different part of your body using liposuction

O-Shot Treatment

So, what is the O Shot? In essence, the O-Shot is a totally natural treatment that uses your own growth factors to invigorate and stimulate both vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation. The O Shot for women was initially used for urinary incontinence but has largely been replaced by its efficacy in increasing arousal, ability to achieve climax, and low libido. 

  • Consultation: Before your O-Shot procedure, you will talk to us about medical history, sexual concerns, and expectations to determine if the O-Shot is a suitable option.
  • Blood Draw: The first step is to draw a small amount of blood from your arm, similar to a routine blood test.
  • PRP Preparation: Your blood is processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from other blood components. PRP contains growth factors that promote tissue healing and regeneration.
  • PRP Injection: Where is the o-shot injected? Once the genital area is numb, the PRP is injected into specific areas of the vagina, including the clitoris and the upper vagina. This stimulates new blood vessel growth and improves tissue health, increasing sensitivity and enhancing sexual pleasure.

If you are wondering, is there an O Shot injection near me? Our Medi-Gyn Dubai team is on hand to provide our expert treatment and offer a personal touch to personal concerns. 

G-Spot Amplification

Using a natural and engineered collagen blend, G spot amplification can give you even more sensation in your experiences. Non-invasive, simple, and quick, your G spot amplification procedure can often be completed in under 30 minutes and requires minimal if any, downtime. By using fillers to engorge the area, G spot amplification surgery can heighten sensation and increase sensitivity during intimate acts. Here is a look at the procedure:

  • Consultation: Before undergoing G-spot amplification, as with any of our procedures, you will have a consultation with our specialist to see if it’s the right treatment for you.
  • Anesthesia: Treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia to numb the area and minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  • Filler Injection: Once the area is numb, your chosen filler or fat is injected into the anterior wall of the vagina, where the G-spot is thought to be located. 

Urinary Incontinence Treatment

A loss of urine that occurs unexpectedly can have a detrimental effect on one’s quality of life, and many women suffering from this common concern don’t seek treatment for incontinence. There are three common types:

  • Stress incontinence: Related to routine things like coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising.
  • Urgency incontinence: Refers to the sudden and overwhelming urge to urinate and problems with arriving to the bathroom at the appropriate moment.
  • Mixed incontinence: When stress and urgency incontinence symptoms are present.

Here at Medi-gyn, we tailor your treatment to suit your unique needs, and we have a range of female incontinence solutions largely dependent on your symptoms. Talk to us about a consultation to establish which options are available and which are best suited to achieving your treatment goals.

Vaginismus Treatments (Painful Intercourse)

The causes of vaginismus are varied and occasionally challenging to diagnose, but what is certain is that it can be a source of severe pain and frustration. Characterized by involuntary spasms when anything attempts to enter the vagina, vaginismus therapy can help to calm the muscles that tense up during this reflex. 

  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: A type of physical therapy for vaginismus that focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and tissues in the pelvic region. Your therapist will teach relaxation techniques, pelvic floor muscle exercises, and breathing exercises to help you gain more control over the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Vaginal Dilators: Inserted into the vagina to gently stretch and desensitize the vaginal muscles over time. This vaginismus procedure involves starting with the smallest dilator and gradually progressing to larger sizes as you become more comfortable. Dilators are used in combination with relaxation techniques to help conquer vaginismus.
  • Desensitization and Sensate Focus: This technique involves gradually exposing the patient to gentle and non-threatening touch in and around the vaginal area, working on desensitization and relaxation. Sensate focus exercises help couples engage in pleasurable, non-penetrative touch to foster intimacy and trust.
  • Botox injection for vaginismus: Aims to alleviate pain and tightness during vaginal penetration in combination with pelvic floor physical therapy and counseling to address underlying factors. Botox’s effects last several months, making it an excellent option for cases where non-surgical treatments have had less success.

Recurrent Vaginal Infections Treatment

Recurrent vaginal infections, usually three within a year or more, can be incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable to deal with. Recurrent yeast infection treatment options depend on the symptoms of the infection and its cause, but our expert team will assess your symptoms and work hand in hand with you to find the best approach, which may include:

  • Probiotics: Probiotic supplements containing Lactobacillus strains for recurring yeast infection treatment can help restore the natural balance of vaginal flora and reduce the risk of recurrent infections.
  • Boric Acid Suppositories: We may sometimes recommend boric acid suppositories as an additional chronic yeast infection treatment or bacterial vaginosis.
  • Partner Treatment: If the recurrent infections are related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), both partners must receive treatment to prevent reinfection.
  • Allergen Avoidance: Some vaginal infections may be triggered by allergens in certain products, such as soaps or laundry detergents. Identifying and avoiding them can be helpful as a treatment for yeast infection.
  • Hormonal Health: Maintaining hormonal balance, especially during menopause, can play a role in reducing the risk of vaginal infections, and hormonal therapy or vaginal estrogen can be highly effective as a recurrent yeast infections treatment.

If you have been wondering how to treat recurring yeast infections, the team here at Medi-gyn have dedicated to helping you overcome the effects of what can be a debilitating condition. We recommend scheduling an appointment so we can assess which vaginal yeast infection treatment best suits your needs.

Adri Kris
Author: Adri Kris

Richard Morgan Evans

Founder & CEO of Sapience Communications

Richard co-founded Sapience with three highly successful business figures in the UK, including former bank and private equity CEOs. This followed previous careers in law, working as an equity analyst for a number of investment banks and financial journalism, which included writing for The Economist, The Times and The Independent.

During his journalist career, he visited the Gulf and Saudi Arabia many times, interviewing senior banking and business figures, such as the head of the Saudi Central Bank and leaders at Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Olayan Group and the Kanoo Group. A number of his features appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Washington Post.

His PR experience includes being the MD of the Financial Division of a leading UK multidisciplinary PR consultancy before co-founding Sapience. He is often asked to judge PR awards, most recently he was on the judging panel of the Public Relations Consultancy Association’s Financial Services PR awards.

He specialises in advising on strategic media relations, reputational risk, media relations and training, crisis communications, and all forms of corporate transactions. Richard is a law graduate of the University of Cambridge.
