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hormonal balancing for BHRT ​

Hormone imbalances cause symptoms that greatly interfere with our emotional, mental and physical states. Balancing our hormone levels through 

  • a body friendly Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (“BHT”) is vitally important to maintaining optimal health while preventing ourselves from any age-related conditions

We offer a modern hormone balancing approach, personalising your Hormone Balancing Programme to meet your unique needs. We use cutting-edge techniques and personalised medical care, we address hormonal imbalances to alleviate symptoms such as energy levels, libido, mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, problem with concentration etc. 

We use a simple, yet effective approach of combining the best of both worlds – conventional & functional medicine:

  1. EVALUATE your health with detailed history
  2. ESTABLISH a timeline of your story with your current symptoms, contributory factors and your current state of mental, emotional & physical health
  3. UNDERSTAND the root causes and drivers of your symptoms and your own narrative
  4. HEAL the root cause of your symptoms and not just the symptom
  5. TEST through laboratory and functional testing to analyse the precise reasons for illness and imbalance
  6. COLLATE all the above information in order to
  7. ANALYSE it 
  8. CREATE YOUR PERSONALISED PROTOCOLS to restore your health


how it works

  • This is a vital step for any female client in the process and it can be done
    • at our Gynecologist’s for any local clients
    • at your Gynecologist’s at the destination
  • Blood Tests: You also receive a list of specific Blood Test parameters by either our Gynecologist (or via email for non-locals) which you can perform
    • either at the Laboratory suggested by us or
    • at any Laboratory at your destination
    Once the results are available, we review and create your Bespoke Protocol Booster.

A comprehensive Consultation with our Hormone Specialist, Marketa Hakkinen ND. covering your medical history, symptoms and a discussion of how BHRT may help you restore your hormone health while enabling you to feel empowered and more in control of your hormonal conditions as well as

  • to understand how your hormones work: improve on your hormonal needs, concerns or simply where you are with your hormones
  • to identify fundamental reasons for your concerns
  • to provide you with your own unique Protocol Booster and Recommendations

Having seen your Blood Test results, our Specialists create your

  1. 8-week Personalised Protocol depending on your individual requirements
  2. Booster Box* 

Your Booster Box includes:

  •  2-month supply of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (“BIHRT”) created based on your latest Blood Test results
    • BIHRT is hormones with the same hormonal molecule as your own body, being as close to human hormones as possible making it a natural and safe way to awake your body’s self-healing power
  • Supplements – 1-month supply of potent, science-driven micronutrients designed in collaboration with our scientific team
    • to boost immune system, increase ATP energy in our cells, and increase oxygen flow around all your organs
    • these are available for a longer period via our e-shop 
  • Lifestyle Change Guidelines that accelerate the process

*Booster Box is requires an additional payment (see our shop online) which should be done prior to its postage.


Your Hormone Specialist explains and clarifies your Bespoke Protocol and Booster Box in detail via a ZOOM Call at a convenient time for you.

Having been on BHRT for 2 months and potent supplements   for a month, we strongly recommend that

  • you schedule an new Review Appointment with our Gynaecologist and
  • you undertake an additional, limited parameter Blood Test to assess your current hormone levels

Once the results are available, we share them with you, explaining it all in detail

After having receiving your updated Blood Test Results, we decide whether or not the dosage needs to be updated [decreased or increased]

Book BHRT Treatments in Dubai

Medi-Gyn Dubai offers premier Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) treatments in Dubai, providing tailored solutions to restore hormonal balance and enhance overall well-being. Our BHRT treatments aim to alleviate symptoms associated with hormone imbalances, promoting vitality, vitality, and quality of life. Trust Medi-Gyn Dubai for comprehensive and compassionate care on your journey to hormonal harmony.

Often, we don’t understand what it is happening in our bodies at different stages in our lives.

At MEDI-GYN, we will provide knowledge and guidance to empower you to take control of your hormonal health and lives.

Those who experience such symptoms as:

  • Irregular, scanty menstrual cycles or PMS
  • PCOS (Polycystic ovaries)
  • PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
  • Depression
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • Endometrioses
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Symptoms of Perimenopause, Menopause
    • Unexpected feeling of depression
    • Constant tiredness
    • Sleeping problems
    • Night sweats
    • Hot flashes or flushes
    • Decreased sex drive
    • Weight gain
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Irritability
    • Anxiousness
    • Mood swings
    • Low moods
    • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Disminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)
  • Trying for baby over 6 months
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Those who has an insulin resistance
  • Those with high Androgen PCOS
  • Those who has dominant Estrogen and Endometriosis
  • Those with unbalanced Reproductive Hormones

Hormones in men are just as important as they are for women as these are important for regulating most major bodily processes. In fact, both men and women produce the same hormones, only in different amounts.
A low level of testosterone in a man means more than just a low sex drive. Men entering middle age may experience so-called Andropause (a male equivalent of menopause) may report a loss of ‘joie de vivre’ – many of them start to question their lives, their relationships and their work.

Symptoms of male hormonal imbalance may include:

  • Tiredness, fatigue, or “burnout syndrome’ (decreased drive and ambition)
  • Decreased strength and lean body mass
  • Irritability
  • Poor sleeping patterns
  • Low libido
  • Memory loss
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased morning erections and decreased erection strength
  • Depression
  • Low sperm account
  • Low sex drive
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased body fat (especially in the waist area)
  • Decreased bone mass
  • Mood changes/ low mood
  • Irritability
  • Brain fog
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Stress
  • Anxiousness

High cholesterol

Richard Morgan Evans

Founder & CEO of Sapience Communications

Richard co-founded Sapience with three highly successful business figures in the UK, including former bank and private equity CEOs. This followed previous careers in law, working as an equity analyst for a number of investment banks and financial journalism, which included writing for The Economist, The Times and The Independent.

During his journalist career, he visited the Gulf and Saudi Arabia many times, interviewing senior banking and business figures, such as the head of the Saudi Central Bank and leaders at Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Olayan Group and the Kanoo Group. A number of his features appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Washington Post.

His PR experience includes being the MD of the Financial Division of a leading UK multidisciplinary PR consultancy before co-founding Sapience. He is often asked to judge PR awards, most recently he was on the judging panel of the Public Relations Consultancy Association’s Financial Services PR awards.

He specialises in advising on strategic media relations, reputational risk, media relations and training, crisis communications, and all forms of corporate transactions. Richard is a law graduate of the University of Cambridge.
