hormone replacement therapy

Bioidentical Hormones for PCOS: Finding Balance & Relief

PCOS: Is it a condition to worry?

One out of every ten women who are of reproductive age suffering from the common hormonal condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS. It throws off the body’s delicate hormonal balance, resulting in a series of symptoms that can seriously affect a woman’s mental and physical health. Even though PCOS is quite common, it is frequently misdiagnosed, causing women to deal with inexplicable symptoms and possibly long-term health effects.

How to know if you have PCOS? Know about the signs!

Effective PCOS management requires early detection and action. Below is a summary of some typical symptoms to watch out for:

  • Abnormal menstrual cycles

Period irregularities or absence are among the main signs of PCOS. This will show up as protracted cycles (polymenorrhea), few periods (oligomenorrhea), or no periods at all (amenorrhea).

  • Problems with fertility

Ovulation, the process by which a mature egg is released from the ovary, can be severely disrupted by PCOS. Infertility or trouble becoming pregnant may result from this.

  • High Levels of Androgen

Although women naturally produce modest levels of androgens, they are generally thought of as male sex hormones. The overproduction of androgens by the ovaries in PCOS can problems.

Early detection and intervention are crucial for effectively managing PCOS. Here’s a breakdown of some common symptoms to be aware of:

  • Menstrual irregularities

One of the major symptoms of PCOS is irregular or absent menstrual periods. This will be visible in the form of infrequent periods (oligomenorrhea), prolonged cycles (polymenorrhea), or complete absence of periods (amenorrhea).

  • Fertility issues

PCOS can significantly disrupt ovulation, the process by which a mature egg is released from the ovary. This can lead to difficulty getting pregnant or infertility.

  • Excessive Androgen Levels

Androgens are typically considered male sex hormones, but women naturally produce small amounts. In PCOS, the ovaries may produce excess androgens, leading to symptoms like:

  • Acne

Excess androgen can aggravate acne on the back, chest, and face.

  • Elevated Sexual Attraction

A higher sex drive may be experienced by certain PCOS-affected women.

  • Problems with Metabolism

Insulin resistance, a condition where insulin sensitivity is compromised, is a result of PCOS. This may result in:

  • Gaining Weight

The body may find it more difficult to use glucose, or sugar, as fuel when insulin resistance is present, which can result in weight gain, especially around the middle.

  • Elevated Diabetes Type 2 Risk

Insulin resistance may eventually play a role in the emergence of type 2 diabetes.

  • Additional Possible Symptoms

Some women with PCOS may also have the following symptoms in addition to the primary ones listed above:

  • Scalp thinning of hair
  • Skin tags under the arms or on the neck
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Disturbances in sleep
  • Digestive issues

Health Risks Associated with PCOS

If PCOS is not addressed, you may be more susceptible to additional health issues, such as: • cardiovascular disease.

An elevated risk of heart disease and stroke can be attributed to PCOS-related insulin resistance and chronic inflammation.

  • Syndrome Metabolic

excessive blood pressure, excessive blood sugar, bad cholesterol, and increased belly fat are all part of this cluster of diseases. A person with metabolic syndrome has a notably higher chance of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

  • Apnea during sleep

The hallmark of this sleep disorder is breathing pauses while you’re asleep. Sleep apnea is more likely to develop in women with PCOS.

  • Endometriosis

a disorder in which the tissue that ordinarily borders the uterus—endometrial tissue—grows outside of it. Endometriosis risk may rise in those with PCOS.

Delve into the treatment options for PCOS

At Medi Gyn, we think that treating hormonal imbalance—the underlying cause of PCOS—is important. Our therapeutic approach is both thorough and individualized, with a particular focus on:

  • Functional Medicine

We evaluate many facets of your health, such as nutrition, exercise, stress levels, and any underlying issues that may be causing your PCOS, in addition to treating your symptoms. With this all-encompassing approach, we can design a treatment plan that is specific to your needs.

  • Modifying Diet and Lifestyle

Dietary adjustments may be able to manage PCOS in certain situations, especially in its early stages. Lean protein, healthy fats, and whole, unprocessed foods are the mainstays of a low-glycemic diet that can enhance insulin sensitivity and general health. Frequent exercise is also essential for the cure of PCOS.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Find Balance & Relief through the Medi Gyn way.

The hormonal abnormalities that cause PCOS can be specifically addressed with bioidentical hormone therapy. These hormones have been painstakingly created to precisely match the structure of the hormones your body naturally makes. This enables the creation of a highly personalized treatment plan based on your unique requirements and hormonal makeup.

BHRT for PCOS at Medi Gyn goes beyond just substituting absent hormones. We recognize that polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complicated ailment that frequently results from a cascade of hormone abnormalities. In order to correct these imbalances and advance general well-being, we customize BHRT as follows:

We provide a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond PCOS symptoms. This include looking over your medical background, evaluating your present state of health, and looking into any possible underlying issues that could be causing your hormone imbalance.

We are able to carefully choose the precise bioidentical hormones required to correct the imbalances based on your individual hormonal profile. Depending on your specific needs, this could include progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, or a combination of these hormones.

Hormonal imbalances in PCOS can be caused by a variety of reasons, including insulin resistance. We deal with the fundamental causes rather than merely the symptoms. For instance, we might suggest dietary changes or other methods to increase insulin sensitivity in addition to BHRT if your insulin resistance is a factor in your PCOS.

To properly manage PCOS, a comprehensive strategy is essential. Together with BHRT, we will investigate supplementary therapies including food modifications, stress reduction methods, and consistent exercise to develop a thorough treatment plan that supports long-term wellbeing.

Individualized Care by Medi Gyn for Optimal Results

Every woman with PCOS has a unique experience with the illness.  In a similar vein, everyone will have a different ideal BHRT regimen.  Our dedication is to developing a customized approach that takes into account your unique requirements and objectives.  This individualized approach frequently combines customized dietary and lifestyle changes, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and attention to treating any underlying illnesses that might be aggravating your PCOS.

Our goal is to help you reach optimal health and well-being by restoring hormonal balance, easing PCOS symptoms, and working closely with you to create a personalized BHRT strategy.

Adri Kris
Author: Adri Kris

Richard Morgan Evans

Founder & CEO of Sapience Communications

Richard co-founded Sapience with three highly successful business figures in the UK, including former bank and private equity CEOs. This followed previous careers in law, working as an equity analyst for a number of investment banks and financial journalism, which included writing for The Economist, The Times and The Independent.

During his journalist career, he visited the Gulf and Saudi Arabia many times, interviewing senior banking and business figures, such as the head of the Saudi Central Bank and leaders at Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Olayan Group and the Kanoo Group. A number of his features appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Washington Post.

His PR experience includes being the MD of the Financial Division of a leading UK multidisciplinary PR consultancy before co-founding Sapience. He is often asked to judge PR awards, most recently he was on the judging panel of the Public Relations Consultancy Association’s Financial Services PR awards.

He specialises in advising on strategic media relations, reputational risk, media relations and training, crisis communications, and all forms of corporate transactions. Richard is a law graduate of the University of Cambridge.
