How weight can affect your fertility

How Weight Can Affect Your Fertility  Did you know that a significant percentage of the population is struggling with infertility? According to data from the World Health Organisation, between 48 million to 186 million individuals and 15% of reproductive age couples globally suffer from the issue. In developing countries, 186 million married women of reproductive… Continue reading How weight can affect your fertility

Why Exercise and Fertility go hand in hand

At Medi-Gyn we provide a number of services that can help you conceive a healthy baby. Having said that, if you want to assist your fertility process further, then consider some exercises alongside our services. First is first though and that is … Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) It is the first step in… Continue reading Why Exercise and Fertility go hand in hand

IVF Coordination Service by Medi-Gyn Center

At Medi-Gyn, we are excited to announce that we are now launching IVF Turnkey Coordination Service. Our Bespoke Service is backed by globally recognised Doctors and Therapists who will help you conceive. The primary goal of this Service is not only to ensure a successful pregnancy, but also offer you a great chance of having… Continue reading IVF Coordination Service by Medi-Gyn Center

Infertility In Women: Causes and Symptoms

Infertility is the term used to describe the difficulty in conceiving despite trying for a year with unprotected intercourse. In certain cases, infertility might even manifest as a pattern of miscarriages. A combination of factors, including age, physical conditions, hormonal imbalances, and lifestyle or environmental elements, can influence female infertility. For couples struggling to conceive… Continue reading Infertility In Women: Causes and Symptoms

Fertility Treatment in Dubai: Medi-Gyn

Experiencing the gift of parenthood holds profound significance, and encountering the news of an unsuccessful pregnancy can trigger profound emotional repercussions. Should this unfortunate event recur persistently, it has the potential to erode optimism within couples and cast a shadow over their interpersonal bonds. If your quest involves seeking assistance for recurring pregnancy challenges in… Continue reading Fertility Treatment in Dubai: Medi-Gyn

Discovering the Proximity of Medi-Gyn IVF Centre : A Guide to Locating the Nearest Facility.

The path towards starting a family can be a tumultuous one, particularly for couples who encounter obstacles related to fertility. However, recent progressions in the realm of medical science have introduced assisted reproductive techniques such as in-vitro fertilization IVF Centre, offering a glimmer of hope for numerous aspiring parents. Within this blog post, we will… Continue reading Discovering the Proximity of Medi-Gyn IVF Centre : A Guide to Locating the Nearest Facility.

Pregnancy Exercise Tips for an Energetic and Smooth Delivery

Welcome parents-to-be and congratulations on your pregnancy journey! Pregnancy time is an incredible time filled with anticipation and joy. Taking care of your physical well-being is crucial during this special phase of life. Engaging in appropriate exercises can not only boost your energy levels but also contribute to a healthy and normal delivery.  Seek Guidance… Continue reading Pregnancy Exercise Tips for an Energetic and Smooth Delivery

Why Does IVF Fail? Top Reasons for IVF Failure

In recent years, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has become a widely used fertility treatment option for couples struggling with infertility. While IVF has helped numerous couples achieve their dream of parenthood, it is not always successful. Understanding the reasons behind IVF failures can provide valuable insights for individuals considering or undergoing the procedure.   1… Continue reading Why Does IVF Fail? Top Reasons for IVF Failure

Everything you need to know about Fertility: By Medi-Gyn

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on fertility. In this blog, we will cover everything you need to know about fertility, including its definition, factors influencing fertility, common fertility issues, and available treatments. Whether you are planning to start a family or simply want to expand your knowledge on this topic, we hope this guide will… Continue reading Everything you need to know about Fertility: By Medi-Gyn

Comprehensive Guide to Fertility – Medi-Gyn Center

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about fertility. For many people, starting or expanding a family is an exciting and deeply personal decision. However, navigating the complex world of fertility can be overwhelming and confusing. Whether you are trying to conceive, undergoing fertility treatments, or simply curious about your reproductive… Continue reading Comprehensive Guide to Fertility – Medi-Gyn Center

Richard Morgan Evans

Founder & CEO of Sapience Communications

Richard co-founded Sapience with three highly successful business figures in the UK, including former bank and private equity CEOs. This followed previous careers in law, working as an equity analyst for a number of investment banks and financial journalism, which included writing for The Economist, The Times and The Independent.

During his journalist career, he visited the Gulf and Saudi Arabia many times, interviewing senior banking and business figures, such as the head of the Saudi Central Bank and leaders at Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Olayan Group and the Kanoo Group. A number of his features appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Washington Post.

His PR experience includes being the MD of the Financial Division of a leading UK multidisciplinary PR consultancy before co-founding Sapience. He is often asked to judge PR awards, most recently he was on the judging panel of the Public Relations Consultancy Association’s Financial Services PR awards.

He specialises in advising on strategic media relations, reputational risk, media relations and training, crisis communications, and all forms of corporate transactions. Richard is a law graduate of the University of Cambridge.
