The greatest hormone myth of all is that we should postpone our hormone therapy for as later in life as possible or, perhaps, not undertake it at all. This is the old way of thinking that leads to a rapid premature ageing.
Premature hormone decline almost literally equals premature ageing due to the vital roles hormones play in various bodily functions. Here’s how it typically happens:
Skin Elasticity & Appearance
Take care of your estrogen and testosterone and you will stay younger forever, or almost so. These two hormones play crucial roles in maintaining skin elasticity, collagen production, and hydration. As these hormones decline prematurely, typically due to factors like stress, genetics, or medical conditions, the skin may lose its firmness and elasticity faster, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and a generally aged appearance.
Bone Density
Our estrogen levels are essential for maintaining bone density. Even a slight but constant decline of it accelerates bone loss, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. This not only affects mobility but also contributes to your posture being compromised slowly but definitely surely with age, leaving you looking old before your time.
Muscle Mass & Strength
Testosterone is important for maintaining muscle mass and strength in both men and women. A decline in testosterone levels, which happends from the age of 40 in men and at 35 in women, leads to muscle weakness and loss of muscle tone, contributing to a frail and aged appearance.
Metabolism & Weight
One of the most popular topic – metabolic imbalances in both genders. One thing for sure is that hormonal changes affect our metabolism, leading to weight gain, especially around the abdomen. This change in body composition is not only a cosmetic concern but also increases the risk of metabolic disorders associated with ageing, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Cognitive Function
Hormones like estrogen have neuroprotective effects and influence cognitive function. Premature decline in estrogen levels, for example, can contribute to cognitive decline and an increased risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
Energy Levels and Mood
Hormones influence energy levels and mood regulation. Declining hormone levels can lead to fatigue, irritability, and a decrease in overall vitality, contributing to a perception of premature aging.
Sexual Function
Let’s not forget about our sexual desires and what role our so-called “sexual hormones” – estrogen, progesterone & testosterone – play in sexual desires, bodily functions and libido. Premature decline leads to a loss of interest in sex, reduced sexual function, and issues with sexual satisfaction.
All in all, our hormones are the “holy grail” of our health and premature hormone decline accelerates the ageing process by affecting a extensive range of physiological functions, from skin health and bone density to muscle strength, metabolism, cognitive function, and overall vitality.
Don’t wait, address hormonal imbalances via Bioidentical Hormone Therapy and change the cause of your ageing process, making sure that your lifespan equals your health span.