The Magic Pregnancy booster box is for all those who have experienced an unexplained infertility with some failing IVF Treatment.
The supplements that are in the Booster Box address the following conditions:
- Unexplained Infertility / failing IVF treatments / Hormonal unbalances
- Cellular health
- Regenerative medicine
- Deep sleep regeneration
Unexplained infertility – Failing IVF Treatment – Hormonal imbalance
Unexplained infertilityrefers to a situation where couples have not been able to conceive for at least 6-12 months despite having regular unprotected sex. All medical tests and physical examination fail to identify any clear cause of a pregnancy failure. This condition can be frustrating and challenging for couples, as the lack of the specific cause makes a difficult to target and choose the right treatment.
One of the obvious reasons for this condition can be in a body’s disharmony, lacking certain vitamins and minerals – this may cause some errors in
- hormonal methylation or poor health of the mitochondria, or poor blood circulation mostly causing miscarriages as imputation of embryo failing cause bad quality of blood around the reproductive organs
Descriptionof the Booster Box
Cellular health – longevity
Those supplements are essential for energy metabolism and maintaining healthy cellular function like mitochondrial health and improving ATP energy. Helps repairing DNA, energy support, supporting sirloins, proteins linked to aging and longevity. Activation of sirloins SIRT1 which is mostly involved in cellular stress resistance and longevity. Improvement of mitochondria functioning reducing inflammation. These benefits are linked with combating oxidative stress potentially enhancing immune function, elimination senescent cells that accumulate with age and contribute to aging related diseases.
Deep sleep and cell/ metabolic regeneration sleep
is the most important for our correct metabolism function, good sleep with REM phases promising cell regeneration and restoring our organs function, physical and mental health. During the sleep body repairs tissues, builds bone and muscles, and strengthens the immune system. Deep sleep is critical for memory consolidation – process of converting short- term memory into long term memory, and also helps cleaning the Brain toxins and accumulate during waking hours, which is essential for cognitive health. The right deep sleep gives us better emotional resilience and lower risk of mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Sleep affects hormones that regulate hunger (ghrelin) and fullness (leptin) good sleep is manacling our healthy weight. Good sleep making body resilient to infections and diseases. Deep sleep is associated with longer lifespan and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Optional: Regenerative Medicine – Stem Cells or Exosomes
Stems cells or Exosomes are most likely option for those who are
over 38 years of age and have low ovarian reserve or low quality of oocytes